These are thoughts on things to start doing to change your life that would help us get closer to God😊
Jam 4:8 Draw near to God and he will draw near to you. Cleanse your hands, you sinners, and purify your hearts, you men of double mind.
Start listening to Christian hip hop(if you were into hiphop), R&B, worship, or gospel music more often. Clean music will affect your mood, your spirit, your thoughts, and language in a Holy and pure way
Pray the second you get irritated or angry. It’s calming and it helps work on the ability to be slow to anger. Instantly you give the situation to God.
Don’t put yourself in a tempting situation. The temptation is harder to flee when you put yourself right in the middle. Don’t be alone with a guy/girl, don’t go to that party, don’t go to that smoke session
The Word
Read your Bible daily. Start a bible streak with yourself and try not to lose it. The Bible should be your daily bread. I recommend reading Matt-John and then Galatians - 2 Peter for a good heart change
Surround yourself with Godly people who want to see you do better and go deeper in your walk with Christ.
Pray (Pray again).
I say this all the time. Persevere through prayer. Spend quality time with God in your quiet place. Make it a priority to know Him more intimately.
Social Media
Get rid of temptations on social media. Unfollow all porn/sex pages, all alcohol, and ungodly music pages, etc etc. anything unclean and unholy.
Well, this is a difficult one.
Fast from social media, secular music, movies, YouTube, whatever. And replace what you fasted with time with God. Be intentional with your fast.
Make God the center of your life and change out of obedience and love for Him
A word of encouragement:
stand out, don’t fit in. God made us to shine His bright light in this dark world. Don’t become of this world and remember to whom you belong.
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