Sunday, 2 December 2018

Basic Christianity (Christianity 101): A Starting Place

I am writing a book and this is one of the reasons I rarely post here these days. This new series will be a chapter in the book.

At the request of a few people, I have begun a series examining the basic teachings of Christianity. Consider it something of a “Christianity 101.” The series is intended for two main audiences.

The first is people who are not Christians and are seeking to know something about this faith. The second is people who are Christians but may have only a basic knowledge of Christianity. In order to reach these audiences, I have purposely avoided using “Christian lingua” words and phrases and have done my best to avoid using concepts that have not yet been explained.

A Starting Place

At first I hesitated, thinking that surely there were many, many similar series on the Internet that I could direct people to. I was only partially correct.

I was only partially correct. There are many courses available, but most seem to be geared towards a knowledgeable Christian audience. They assume a belief in the Bible and extensive knowledge of it. I do not believe this is representative of the vast majority of people, so have decided to write this series which will discuss the basics of the Christian faith. I will begin with presuppositions, move to Christianity’s background and then discuss Jesus and His teachings. I will, of course, also discuss Christian living. I expect this series to evolve as it is written and as I receive feedback about the articles.

Below is a rough outline of upcoming articles. Of course all topics and their ordering are subject to change.

Why Should You Care? (Why should I bother learning about Christianity?)

What does Christianity offer?  (What does Christianity offer and what makes it unique?)

God – (Who is He and how has He revealed Himself?)

The Bible – (What is The Bible and what do Christians believe about it?)

The Human Condition (What does Christianity teach about me?)

The Old Testament (What does the Old Testament have to do with Christianity?)

Jesus – Who Was He? (Who is Jesus?)

Jesus – Fulfillment of the Old Testament (What does Jesus have to do with the Old Testament?)

Jesus – Life and Times Explained (What was Jesus’ significance?)

Jesus – His Death and Resurrection (Why did Jesus need to die and come back to life?)

Biblical Writers/Teachers –  (Who wrote the Bible and what did they teach?)

Christian Life (This section will contain multiple articles. They will include topics such as What is Prayer; What is the church, What is tithing, etc?)

My intention is to have this series appeal to two different audiences – those who are not Christians and are interested in learning about Christianity and those who are new Christians and are interested in growing their knowledge. I hope we can learn a lot.