This morning I woke up to a tweet mention from a good old friend about some slavery stuff, the whites were apologising and it was fascinating for me. I think I wrote something about how unimportant it is for us to focus on something which was abolished over 100 years ago but somehow we still dwell on that negative energy. Then something dawned on me.
Our colonial masters were even more diligent in opening up our infrastructure than we are as an independent nation as it is.
They got it.
They saw the potential of this land and opened it up the best way possible to maximize its potential at the time. Look at their legacy: how many extra kilometers of railway did we add?
We still have Sir Gordon Guggisberg to thank for 2 premier institutions in Ghana. Let's not forget our top high schools are also missionary school. As an independent nation we have only marginally added to the structure since the 60s...
Now to the main topic.
What is this load of tosh about NDC hospitals and NPP hospitals?
We have allowed these people to constantly brag with money they squeeze our necks to pay and we are behaving as if they are saviors? Are we serious at all?
The hospitals, whether built by a frog, a grasscutter, vulture or zebra will come from. The pockets of you and I. We will pay through our noses and half of that money will be diverted on the name of procurement.
Instead of going around giving accolades or siding at the fact that some people built some and so others should do whatever, why don't we hold everyone to task and ask for full use of our health related infrastructure and seek a commitment to complete them as well as promised projects?
When you get sick, the sickness doesn't have intelligent searches for party colors. It only concerns your body and the ability of the infrastructure existing to fight it.
If today some people realize they can't fly out for checkups and that flying a presidential jet for medicines won't even save us, let's force them to do the right thing and force them to deliver!!!!
Enough of that nonsense!!!!
Hmm Ghana.
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