Sunday, 2 September 2018

State of mind, Stay true to yourself

So a reader on this blog asked me in an email that "how do I adjust to change in attitude from my friends? Some of my friends are changing completely ever since I started my journey to greatness"

The message reminded me of Kwesi Arthur's song on his EP 'live from Nkrumahkrom' the title of the song is Back on the Wall, I think Arthur was writing his thoughts on how some friends' attitude start changing when they realise that you are slowly and gradually creating something that can become bigger. I think any dreamer might have met these circumstances before.

So I replied the mail like this; My mom told me something when I was younger it goes like "the only person who will never envy your toys at some point in life is God. He created you, He wants you to create great things with your toys." Back then it didn't make sense but right now it makes sense to me.

One thing as dreamers we have to know is that, everything else around you changes so we need to stay true to ourselves. Stay true to yourself, yet always be open to learn. Work hard, and never give up on your dreams, even when nobody else believes they can come true but you. These are not cliches but real something. It really works.

Always stay true to yourself Some people will like it, some people won't but hey Life goes on. Be true to yourself, because there are only a few people that will stay true to you, yes! I said that. Do you want me to repeat?  Most people are fake I remember I wrote in an older post something ago that some people are your friends because of what they'll get from you at a particular point in time.

I concluded the message that, some days you are going to be too sad 😔 and you will feel helpless. this is ok, don’t pressure yourself to feel happy. please be gentle with yourself when this happens. stay patient the lows are only temporary and they allow us to feel the true extent of happiness when it comes. Stay true to yourself.


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