Monday, 13 August 2018

RETURNING TO TECH STARTUP LIFESTYLE - Some Reasons Startups Fail in Ghana

After  three straight years of the demise of umusiconline, I'm going back to my first love, tech business. I love the technology startup life and i always miss it; the code, refresh, drink coffee, watch traffic growth, upload ads life. I have been developing brands with I'Redylabs and doing missionary work with Hope Journey  to God's glory during this break. I am developing a specialised classified website and I am hopeful it will blow.

The Tech Startup lifestyle in Ghana here is difficult aside internet issues! It is easy to get ideas but it is difficult to get people using your app frequently  or getting return users on a platform and I don't know why. I'm still trying to get more reasons. Ghanaian tech consumers are interesting and tricky. Here's to some of the reasons startups fail in Ghana.

Umusiconline couldn't thrive because Ghanaian consumers and musicians didn't trust the whole online music selling thing as the solution to the music industry. Musicians will upload their song on umusiconline and will go upload it on free websites, really?  Instead of sharing the link to the paid site they'll be sharing the free one so they would get hit songs and get shows to perform for a while which isn't a sustainable move but that's what they want. Most Ghanaian online consumers hate the word "buy" it is because when we were introduced to computers we were using pirated software and everything felt free so we don't believe in investing in softcopy things now, we like buying tangible like the computer or laptop; something we can hold than something virtual. This has affected our tech industry largely.

Another problem is the taste in foreign goods! This is another Goliath, do we think foreign programmers write quality codes than local code programmers? I don't know if USA c++ is different from GHANA c++ or our PHP is inferior to theirs is still a difficult question to answer.

Ghanaian techies are too nerdy to present ideas to  the understanding of the ordinary people. We use big terms they won't bother to check in the dictionary and we don't use the correct marketing campaign strategies! Our beta products are often tested by engineers and nerds like us who will use minutes to figure out everything, Sometimes the only problem is that the users don't get the whole app.

I am hopeful my new startup would not face these problems, Maybe I have done my Homework!


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