Monday, 27 April 2020

88 Hospitals: The Ghana Hospital Debates

This morning I woke up to a tweet mention from a good old friend about some slavery stuff, the whites were apologising and it was fascinating for me. I think I wrote something about how unimportant it is for us to focus on something which was abolished over 100 years ago but somehow we still dwell on that negative energy. Then something dawned on me. 

Our colonial masters were even more diligent in opening up our infrastructure than we are as an independent nation as it is.

They got it.

They saw the potential of this land and opened it up the best way possible to maximize its potential at the time. Look at their legacy: how many extra kilometers of railway did we add?

We still have Sir Gordon Guggisberg to thank for 2 premier institutions in Ghana. Let's not forget our top high schools are also missionary school. As an independent nation we have only marginally added to the structure since the 60s...

Now to the main topic. 

What is this load of tosh about NDC hospitals and NPP hospitals?

We have allowed these people to constantly brag with money they squeeze our necks to pay and we are behaving as if they are saviors? Are we serious at all?

The hospitals, whether built by a frog, a grasscutter, vulture or zebra will come from. The pockets of you and I. We will pay through our noses and half of that money will be diverted on the name of procurement.

Instead of going around giving accolades or siding at the fact that some people built some and so others should do whatever, why don't we hold everyone to task and ask for full use of our health related infrastructure and seek a commitment to complete them as well as promised projects?

When you get sick, the sickness doesn't have intelligent searches for party colors. It only concerns your body and the ability of the infrastructure existing to fight it.

If today some people realize they can't fly out for checkups and that flying a presidential jet for medicines won't even save us, let's force them to do the right thing and force them to deliver!!!!

Enough of that nonsense!!!!
Hmm Ghana.

Saturday, 11 April 2020

Virtual Church or not: I don't agree with the idea of Virtual Communion

My younger brother and I have been discussing  this topic for a while now, I have been asking other brothers in faith too. My stand has always been "there's no such thing as Virtual Holy Communion". And today I want to put my honest view in writing, I believe this view does not hing more on legalism than freedom in Christ. 

Before I touch on the topic I want us to consider the following;

Be careful communion is to be kept holy.  

Corinthians  11

27 Whoever, therefore, eats the bread or drinks the cup of the Lord in an unworthy manner will be guilty concerning the body and blood of the Lord. 28 Let a person examine himself, then, and so eat of the bread and drink of the cup. 29 For anyone who eats and drinks without discerning the body eats and drinks judgment on himself. 30 That is why many of you are weak and ill, and some have died

1. The intimacy of the Lord’s Supper was put on vivid display in Jesus’ final Passover meal and inaugural Lord’s Supper celebration (Matt. 26:26-29). The disciples were present with Jesus and he spoke directly to them after breaking the bread and served it to them with clear directions. Jesus defined it clearly and served his disciples in an intimate gathering preceding his cruel crucifixion.

2. Technology has a wonderful place in our world and is providentially given to God’s people during this pandemic for the purpose of being connected and spreading the good news. I personally love using technology for the glory of God—especially since I was converted while listening to a sermon online. I likewise have an undergraduate degree in computer science and information Systems. However, it’s quite possible to be connected virtually and disconnected literally at the same time. That’s where we find ourselves in this season of social distancing.
Consider the word of Paul to the church at Corinth. All through the eleventh chapter, Paul points to the church being called together. In fact, Paul references the togetherness of the people some five times between 1 Corinthians 11:18-34. Jesus modeled the togetherness of the meal in his earthly ministry with his disciples and gave specific instructions to continue eating and drinking in remembrance of him (Luke 22:19).

3. Logic alone should tell us that it’s impossible to use technology to enjoy an intimate meal with a friend or spouse while separated—much less the entire gathered church family. The special and unique assembly of the Lord’s Supper cannot be reduced to pixels on a screen. Technology can only bring people so close, but it cannot ultimately bring people together. However, logic is not the basis for our position on the Lord’s Supper—theology is our foundation.

4. The Lord’s Supper, like baptism, is not a private event. It’s public and is one of the two ordinances given to God’s Church. In 1 Corinthians 10:17, Paul writes these words, “Because there is one bread, we who are many are one body, for we all partake of the one bread.” The church publicly gathered in the presence of one another are called to be served together from the same bread—indicating their unity in Christ. This cannot be accomplished as a pastor looks at a camera and gives directions to people in their homes. The assembly of God’s people is necessitated in order to fulfill God’s plan for the Lord’s Supper.

5. Fencing the Table Matters.
Before serving the Lord’s Supper, it’s essential to provide clear directions to the people in order to protect the sacredness of the ordinance. The Lord’s Supper is one of two ordinances of the church and is not salvific, but there is an element of uniqueness and sacredness that needs to be upheld in the Lord’s Supper. It’s a time where we remember the body (Jesus’ incarnation), the blood (Jesus’ substitutionary sacrifice), and long for Jesus return. It’s also a time when we are called to remember sin and confess our sin properly before engaging in the Lord’s Supper (see 1 Corinthians 11).
Furthermore, such fencing provides clear directions regarding who is welcome to partake of the Lord’s Supper and who is not invited. The unbelieving family member who is a guest of our worship service and the person under church discipline must understand that they are barred from the Lord’s Table.  This should be made clear.  The person who has unbelieving children should manage their household well and prevent their children from partaking.  The Lord’s Supper is a solemn act of worship. The special presence of the Lord among his people in a unique manner carefully and intentionally overseen by the elders of the church is simply not possible through the screen of an iPhone.In short, the church needs faithful pastors to look them in the eye across the table and provide both clear instructions for this joyful celebration and stern warnings for profaning the Lord’s Supper.

6. Providentially Hindered for a Season
Persecuted Christians in a prison are providentially hindered from the Lord’s Supper. Is God dishonored by their inability to worship through the Lord’s Supper? We must exercise wisdom as we think through the work of God and his providence in this season of a pandemic that has created many challenges to God’s Church around the world.
As we seek to overcome the many challenges to our worship during this pandemic that has brought the entire world to a stop—we can use technology to bridge the gap, but we must remember that it’s not virtual church. The church is not virtual. The church is literal. We must not seek to reduce the church to pixels on a screen. It simply cannot happen. We are providentially hindered from gathering together during this season of social distancing, and God is not caught off guard by this. God is very much active and ruling over this season and will accomplish his purpose.

My take: 

If a local church has concealed their low view of the Lord’s Supper and other aspects of Christian worship, the present COVID-19 pandemic will likely unveil it for everyone to see. When the man on the cross next to Jesus embraced Christ by faith—he was providentially hindered from being baptized. God ordained it. Rather than redefining the Lord’s Supper to a virtual meeting that turns it into something other than the Lord’s Supper altogether—we must remain patient and remember God is sovereign over this season and desires to be worshipped properly and with order.
God’s design of the worship of his Church transcends pandemics and culture. This season shall pass and local churches will once again assemble together, embrace one another in Christian love, and celebrate the body and blood of Christ through the Lord’s Supper as we long for him to return and make all things new.

Grace to you. 

Saturday, 4 April 2020


I feel like writing; so I've been observing the 5G and Covid-19 discussions on social media platforms and I finally want to write my view. I have a lot of things to write but I hope this will be very short. 

Please please please, do not be swayed by the legendary levels of 'stupidity' and ignorance portrayed by some idle-minded people who are parading themselves as paragon of information about the spread of covid-19 as being caused by 5G networks and something about vaccines and Bill Gates.

Now Let's Begin 

1. If we were going to be wiped out by white people, they won't need to go through complex procedures to do it. They will just poison our foods and nuke us all. It will take just 3 days to nuke out all of Africa's big cities and decimate our population and around another week to reduce Africa's population to a couple million if they wanted. Between biological weapons and conventional ones and nuclear ones, nobody will need a virus to do that. 

2. Some of the people talking about 5G networks are the some people who have power systems run on nuclear energy and what not. If those things killed people we won't be alive. 5G networks are evolutions of different frequency bands we have been using for telecommunications since the last century. 

3. Medical care is evolving. Your medical history is key to curing you of a disease. The same reason why you have a hospital card is the same reason you have electronic medical records. Those same Jerry curled pastors coming on TV to tell you that vaccination is demonic are the same people who use yellow fever cards showing they have been vacinnated to travel from country to country. Do you still have all your phone contacts in a book? Aren't they digitally stored on your phone? Why do you think medical records can't be handled the same? Chale!!

4. No virus outbreak in the world requires mobile telephony or cips to spread. The bubonic plague didn't. Neither did the influenza outbreak, or anything else. All these happened even before there was widespread radio technology.

5. If Bill Gates(dude has been donating to support malaria projects) needed people to die and monopolize vaccines, he won't let it harm the same Americans he sees as a market. Today, over 200,000 Americans have it and numerous teams of virologists are working on fixing this, including multinational teams. There is no grand conspiracy here. Too many medical experts with years of experience are all victims. There is no conspiracy worth so many lives if so many experts for money.

6. Poor Africans. You want medication but at the same time think that you are too big for tests. You wonder why we don't have vaccines for diseases that affect us.  You hail leaders who build two bit roads and buy you tshirts, cutlasses and free food. Yet you don't spend anything on science and technology and when those who are spending time and energy want to help you, you reject them thinking they are going to kill you. I no dey barb

Those who are going to kill you are the political and religious leaders with bad doctrine who don't want you to think, but to depend on them. They keep you ignorant and in fear, so they manipulate you with stories of fake redemption without any Sound Biblical standards or from their stupid two bit "development projects"

You applaud leaders that build you public toilets but call others who create scientific breakthroughs antichrists. How stupid!

Africa has 15% of the world's population and 25% of the world's disease burden, but only 1% of the world's research and development budget is spent in the whole of Africa. Even that, it comes from external resources. Africa, a continent of over 1 billion people, holds only 0.1% of the world's patents. Only 198 researchers per million people.

For this reason, the gap is filled by glorified soothsayers who pose as pastors who know nothing about theology and self serving politicians who want to keep it this way so that you remain ignorant, and it's working. Read your Bibles, Repent and Believe the Gospel of Christ. Stop listening to Anansesem and folklore.

Wake up people!!!!!!! Wake up!!!!!