Tuesday, 3 September 2019


I've been reading the two books of Timothy over and over and I feel like writing an open letter to youth leaders in churches, campus fellowships, and social media platforms.

“There is no such thing as a great man of God, only weak, pitiful, faithless men of a great and merciful God.” ― Paul Washer

  1. Dear Leader, I congratulate you for being counted worthy for God's service in this period of your life. You, probably, have heard me say that "leadership is mankind's most daunting task". Hey leader, you deserve special commendations for leading the most complex breed of humans on planet earth — the youths. Understanding the fact that you're leading your peers — a complex and insatiable breed of homo sapiens — puts you in a delicate position, and I appreciate you for making yourself available.

   2.  Dear Leader, I have lots of issues in my heart which make me write this open letter to you. I hope to attend to most of them in this letter. The first major mistake you're prone to make is to think that YOU are the leader of God's children. I might burst your bubbles here, leader. YOU are NOT the leader; GOD is the leader. The LORD is our Shepherd. Understanding this basic truth has some very good implications for you and "your" people.

     One: It makes you consistently humble and teachable before "your" people.

    Two: It makes you totally dependent on God, not your own abilities/anointing.

    Three: You will always live and lead to please God, not yourself.

    Four: There will always be reciprocity of respect, sacrifice, and enviable work ethic between you and "your" people.

   Five: You will be open to discipline, correction, and rebuke.

   Six: You'll learn leadership both as a leader and follower.

   Seven: Oh, let's keep the seventh implication till the end of this letter.

3. Dear Leader, you will agree with me that knowledge is power. Let us assume, for once, that you became a leader by chance or stroke of luck; we should never assume that you should live out this leadership unintentionally. To whom the leadership mandate is given, responsibility is expected. To lead responsibly, you need sound and deep knowledge of God's Word. Commit yourself to the in-depth study of the Word so you can consistently be a channel of nourishment to the souls of "your" people. Don't be surprised when they come to you with the knotty questions in their hearts. As best as possible, equip yourself to be able to give answers, proffer solutions, offer suggestions, and also provide succor — depending on their individual needs. It is never a crime to mount the leader's stool with little or no knowledge, but it is absurd to continue leading without remarkable growth in your level of knowledge. Lead responsibly — with knowledge!

4. Dear Leader, I wonder how very comfortable you are when your peers call you "Papa/Daddy" or "Mama/Mummy". I will not deny that I have used the same titles for my own fellowship leaders in times past. But now, I know how unnecessary that is. There is a popular but wrong cliché in the Pentecostal circles: "We may be age mates, but we are not grace mates". Leader, never be caught speaking that rubbish statement. Which grace, actually? The one you "earn" or the one Christ gives? We are heirs of the Father and joint-heirs with the Son. So, tell me which version of grace you're creating levels for... When you are very comfortable and feel satisfied when your fellowship members shout "papa, papa, papa", you need to work on the pride in you that is subtly exhibiting itself. I know I don't have the "qualifications" required to correct this anomaly, so I won't talk further on it. If you feel I'm wrong about this, you're at liberty to continue the trend.

5. Dear Leader, to whom is your loyalty? God or your spiritual father/mother/mentor? There's this version of craze I have found among youth leaders — Godfatherism. Youth leaders have pitched their tents with popular big MOGs all in the name of mentorship and loyalty. They spend their time and energy teaching and defending the doctrines and reputation of their godfathers. When their godfathers are found in a wrong practice, these leaders go into their arsenals, draw out weapons of intellectual sophistry, throw banters among themselves, and ridicule one another. I plead with you, leaders, to give your entire loyalty to God — for the love of the gospel of Christ, the sanctity of the Scriptures, and the soul of "your" followers.

6. Dear Leader, how would you rate your relationship with "your" followers? How do you talk to them? Indeed, my eyes have seen and my ears have heard. Smiles... Some leaders have — because of the one-year-validity power invested on them — jeopardized the strong and helpful networks they should have on campus through their holier-than-thou disposition to "less spiritual members" and course mates. There's this high Pharisaic pedestal that they have placed themselves, making it very difficult for them to relate very well with others outside their spiritual circle and vice versa. Some leaders have abused their power and used it to witch-hunt or "discipline" subordinates who have any "issue" against them or their godfathers. Some use their position to manipulate vulnerable and innocent ladies and the resultant story is not always a sweet tale to tell.

7. Dear Leader, pay attention to your growth and that of others under you. Pay attention to their heterogeneous needs and not your selfish interests. Rely totally on God as you guard yourself against youthful lusts (greed, pride, sexual immorality, abuse of power, etc.). Be disciplined, yet tender. Be knowledgeable, yet teachable. Maintain quality relationships with others — even those outside your spiritual circle. Lead responsibly.

I will round up this long letter with the seventh "good implication" of understanding that GOD, not YOU, is the leader. It affords you the opportunity to constantly evaluate yourself in light of God's standards and not popular opinions. In the end, you get God's rewards and commendations beyond mere human accolades.
Thanks for reading. Share with others. God bless you.
#SolaScriptura #GracetoYou